Install PARAT | Remote Administration ToolKit (RAT) 2018- Undetectable Python Payloads

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Welcome to TMs TECH ....

Today I am going to show

Install PARAT | Remote Administration ToolKit (RAT) 2018- Undetectable Python Payloads

Python based Remote Administration Tool(RAT) Parat is an open-source,multy-threaded,socket and python based remote administration tool.It mainly uses python in core and uses IPv4 for communication(s) and self-encryption(local and remote) for your privacy.
Parat has two interpreter:
Local mode Remote mode +Local mode When you start parat using python2, you actually redirect to local mode and there you can: -
control your local options,
-change UI elements,
-do edits,
-use your unix shell,
-set listen ports,
-generate backdoor, -and etc. Don't forget some local commands(such as ) are aviable on remote mode.

Installation Guide :

Download the script from this site :

1. change the directory to desktop cd Desktop now

2. Type git clone

3. now " ls "

4. cd " downloaded folder name "

5. chmod+x -to change the permission

6. ls 6. CAT "README" - to read the guide

7. "./"



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning : ITS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ...I'll BE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY KIND OF DAMAGE . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So that's all for today...

See you in the next video


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